¿Qué significa crear para ti?

What does creating mean to you?

Day 1: Connecting with Creativity

Hello!! I hope you are doing well. I want you to know that we are very excited and honored to share this first challenge with you. The purpose of this challenge is to help you connect with your creative energy, through exercises related to sewing and crafts as well as activities that help you create unforgettable moments with your dog (or cat, or guinea pig, they are also more than welcome!).

To kick off this exciting 30-day challenge, we invite you to reflect on one key question: what does creating mean to you? Once you have your answer, we encourage you to share it on your Instagram stories and inspire others by showing off some of your favorite creations. Whether it's because it took you a while to make it, because you love it, or because you're especially proud of it, it doesn't matter the reason. Let your creativity shine through your works and motivate others to do the same!

I also invite you to reflect on the basic principles of creativity as presented in Julia Cameron's book "The Artist's Way." This book is a beacon for those seeking to unlock their creative potential and rediscover their passion for art and creation. We love it! Plus, we've added a brief explanation of each principle so you can understand them better.

You can write down these basic principles on post-its, sheets of paper or on your wallpaper to read them every morning during the challenge. We assure you that they will help a lot.

It is important to mention that we respect all beliefs. If you do not feel comfortable calling it God, you can change it to "divinity", "the universe", "the divine source", "light" or whatever you feel most comfortable and connected to.

The Basics of Creativity by Julia Cameron:

1. Creativity is part of the natural order of life.

Creativity is not something reserved only for artists; it is a fundamental aspect of life itself. Everyone, from children at play to adults solving problems, exercises their creativity in some way. This principle reminds us that creating is as natural as breathing, and that we should allow that energy to flow unrestricted.

2. Life is energy: pure creative energy.

Life is filled with energy that is constantly in motion. This energy manifests itself in creative forms that can be expressed through art, writing, music, and many other disciplines. By recognizing that we are part of this creative energy, we can tune into it and allow it to inspire us in our creative process.

3. There is a creative force underlying everything that lives, including ourselves.

Everything in existence is imbued with creativity, from nature to human relationships. This creative force connects us all and invites us to explore our own potential. By honoring this force, we can discover new forms of expression and connection with the world around us.

4. By opening ourselves to our own creativity, we are opening ourselves to the creativity of the Creator, which is present in us and in our lives.

Each of us has a divine spark within that fuels our creativity. When we allow ourselves to be creative, we also align ourselves with that larger source of inspiration, which connects us to the Creator and allows us to experience life in a deeper, more meaningful way.

5. We are creations and at the same time we are destined to maintain creativity by being creative.

As human beings, we are both the product of creativity and the bearers of it. This means that we not only have the ability to create, but we also have the responsibility to keep our creativity alive. In doing so, we honor the gift of life and contribute to the beauty of the world.

6. Creativity is a gift from God. Using it is the gift we give back to God.

Creativity can be seen as a divine gift that has been given to us to be used for the benefit of ourselves and others. By expressing our creativity, we are giving back that gift and acknowledging the grace we have received. This sharing nourishes our soul and strengthens our spiritual connection.

7. Refusing to be creative is to persist against our own nature.

When we avoid being creative, we are ignoring an essential part of who we are. Creativity is intrinsic to the human experience; denying it can lead to a feeling of emptiness or disconnection. This principle encourages us to embrace our creative nature and find ways to express it in our daily lives.

8. When we open ourselves to explore our creativity, we open ourselves to God: the right path.

Creativity can be seen as a path to the divine. By exploring our creativity, we are creating space for spirituality in our lives. This openness can lead to meaningful discoveries and a deeper sense of purpose.

9. By opening a channel between our creativity and the Creator, subtle yet powerful changes occur.

Connecting with our creativity can result in transformations that, although small, can have a significant impact on our lives. These changes can manifest themselves in our way of thinking, in our relationships, and in our ability to face challenges.

10. There is no need to be afraid of opening yourself up to ever greater creativity.

Creativity is an inexhaustible resource that grows as we use it. This principle encourages us to be brave and explore new ideas without fear of failure. The more we open ourselves to creativity, the more space there is for it to flourish in our lives.

11. Our creative desires and dreams come from a divine source. When we move closer to our dreams, we move closer to divinity.

Our creative desires often reflect a connection to something larger than ourselves. In pursuing our dreams, we are not only seeking personal fulfillment, but also a spiritual connection. This principle highlights the importance of following our creative instincts as a path to divinity.

I highly recommend reading this book not only for its focus on creativity, but also for its ability to inspire those who feel blocked or unmotivated. By putting these principles into practice, you will be on the right path to reconnect with your creative energy and bring new ideas to life.

Remember to write these principles down somewhere visible so you can remember them throughout this challenge and start cultivating your creativity!

And... what does creating mean to me?

For me, creating is nourishing my body through movement: moving my hands, arms and legs.

It is about feeding my mind with new ideas and finding ways to materialize them, as well as facing new challenges or fulfilling my goals, my dreams.

It is about nourishing my emotional side, allowing me to heal and deepen my self-knowledge through my creations.

But above all, for me, creating is nourishing my soul. When I create, I allow God to create through me; it is through my creativity that I serve God, and I know there is a divine plan in me to do good.

When I align my mind, body, heart and soul, I feel authentic, honest and in tune with my purpose. For me, creating means being genuine and connecting with my destiny: love.

Well, you see my creations every day, but besides pattern making and sewing, I also really enjoy taking analog photography. I love this photo I took this year, especially because of the moon-shaped shadow that was projected on my hand during the eclipse. Also, the colors were a happy mistake in the development. I feel that this image reflects my connection with the spiritual world and magic.

We love you very much,

Santi & Gabriela

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